Unable to upload code, port not detected! SOLUTION

watchX uses Atmega32U4 as a MCU. Atmega32U4 has an internal USB hardware. This hardware feeds from internal timer, timer 4. When your sketch messes with the timers Atmega32U4 fails to manage USB hardware so it become unresponsive. This leads not to be able to flash a sketch. In order to overwrite this situation please follow:

  • Plug in the micro-USB to the watchX and your computer. Make sure the Arduino Leonardo is selected in Arduino application
  • Press and hold the Reset button on the watchX. Don’t release it yet. Then hit the Upload button in the app
  • Only release the Reset button after you see the message “Uploading…” appearing in the bottom left corner of the app
  • Wait until it says “Done uploading” and then unplug the cable


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There is a command to use after putting the MCU to sleep to reconnect the USB.

I am going to add it to Basic_Watch to see if it fixes usb detection while sleep is enabled.

That would be a perfect addition, I am really suffering from this:)

I have had the watch for a long time but have never been able to do anything with it. From the team I got only the only support they said: you have to install the software. To be honest, I’m mad, I threw my money in the throat, for nothing.
Now I have followed the above instructions and get the following error message:

Arduino: 1.8.8 (Windows 10), Board: “Arduino Leonardo”

sketch \ pwrmgr.c: 13: 26: Warning: Additional tokens at the end of the # undef directive

#undef sleep_bod_disable ()

D: \ Downloads \ watchx \ NWatch-master \ NWatch-master \ watchX \ watchX.ino: 7:16: Warning: Additional tokens at the end of the # undef directive

#undef Millis ()

The sketch uses 28504 bytes (99%) of the program memory space. The maximum is 28672 bytes.
Global variables use 1518 bytes (59%) of dynamic memory, leaving 1042 bytes for local variables. The maximum is 2560 bytes.
A selected port could not find a board. Please check the correct selection of the serial port. If this is correct, please restart the board via the reset button after starting the upload.

This report would be more detailed if the option
“Verbose output during compilation”
in File -> Preferences would be activated.

Hello Gerhard,

We are a small team and doing our best to support as much as possible:) Hopefully, with our upcoming investment we will grow our team and support more then it is used to be.

Back to your question let’s make sure couple of things:

  • Are you using the provided USB Cable?
  • Did you try the instructions on a different PC with a different OS version such as windows 7-8

One of our customer also had a problema at windows 10 then solved the problem at a different pc. Then it was okay.

hi, i use win10, but i have no possibility for another system.

Do you have any firmware loaded at all?

If not try something simpler like the blink example under the examples menu of the Arduino IDE.

Sometimes if you have a dodgy firmware loaded it is best to hold down the reset button on the watch then release the button and immediately press the upload button on the IDE. If it is successfully uploading then the LED will flash quick.

After upload one of the LEDs will just blink on and off.

If that works OK try the nWatch firmware in the same manner.

This is a tinkerers watch and meant for those nerds like me who like coding their own stuff. If you truly have not used it and feel that you have lost out I will happily take it off your hands for a fair price. I could do with a second watch for development purposes.

If you want to keep it I am happy to try and help you get it working. The USB interface on this type of Arduino can be a bit tricky sometimes and that is no fault of the WatchX team and just the way the bootloader and MCU work.

Can you send a screen grab of your serial port selection and board selection menus with the watch plugged in before and just after you have pressed the reset button.

Note. I find if you slide the watch band between the display and the button you can apply a small amount of pressure to the display and it presses the reset switch.

i become always this:

Arduino: 1.8.8 (Windows 10), Board: “Arduino Leonardo”

sketch \ pwrmgr.c: 13: 26: warning: extra tokens at end of #undef directive

#undef sleep_bod_disable ()


D: \ Downloads \ watchx \ NWatch-master \ NWatch-master \ watchX \ watchX.ino: 7: 16: warning: extra tokens at end of #undef directive

#undef millis ()


The sketch uses 28504 bytes (99%) of the program memory space. The maximum is 28672 bytes.
Global variables use 1518 bytes (59%) of dynamic memory, leaving 1042 bytes for local variables. The maximum is 2560 bytes.
No board could be found on the selected port. Please check the correct selection of the serial port. If this is correct, please restart the board via the reset button after the start of the upload.

This report would be more detailed if the option
“Verbose output during compilation”
in File -> Preferences would be activated.

I have now tried to install LED.ino and there came the following:

Arduino: 1.8.8 (Windows 10), Board: “Arduino Leonardo”

The sketch uses 4178 bytes (14%) of the program memory space. The maximum is 28672 bytes.
Global variables use 149 bytes (5%) of dynamic memory, 2411 bytes remain for local variables. The maximum is 2560 bytes.
An error occurred while uploading the sketch

This report would be more detailed if the option
“Verbose output during compilation”
in File -> Preferences would be activated.

Hello Gerhard,

What happens when you unplug the battery and plug the usb cable to the watchX? Does the left LED blinks for around 2-3 seconds?

Hello mtulu,

yes, the green LED flashes for about 2 seconds.

Hello Gerhard,

This is a really good sign that your bootloader is healthy. Can we try something else,

Open the Arduboy uploader and click upload hex then navigate to watchX.hex file and select it. Let’s see the results. If you fail, try clicking reset button after you select the hex file.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: NWatch firmware port to watchX

Hi, Port option is not highlighted, i have a problem because i can´t conect. I try with the indication of mtulu but can’t conect, the watch is with black screen and the right led all time. Any suggestion about, thank in advance

Can you please share a video which you show us while trying above method?

Ok I found the problem, anyone know where to buy a new screen? Thank you a lot. When I put the watch into the case probably I break the screen with the pressure to join 2 pieces of the case. Please, where to buy new screen? Thanks!!


As some of us did, think about order 2 screens directly…

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