Pong Clock for watchX

I edited to the file that was previously adapted for watchX.

I activated the 3rd button and added sleep mode for power saving.

In addition to Pong Clock, there are watchfaces such as Digital, Tetris and Pacman. However, there are some problems with memory.

Don’t worry, I’m still working on using the 3rd button in the menu and memory :smiley:

(02.09.20) I updated the Pong Clock and added a scrolling menu.Now, you can use button3 in the menu.

Download from here https://github.com/ahmetkcavusoglu/watchX_Pong_Clock

You need EnableInterrupt library https://github.com/ahmetkcavusoglu/watchX_Enable_Interrupt
and also RTClib library https://github.com/mic159/RTClib

NOTE: You have to replace SSD1306_128_32 part with SSD1306_128_64 in Adafruit_SSD1306.h.
NOTE 2: You can use Adafruit_GFX 1.5.6 and Adafruit_SSD1306 1.1.0 libraries as they take up less memory.
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