My watchX got some problem

Please enable all compiler and transfer messages to be shown in the status window and make a new video.
Goto preferences of the arduino gui to do this.
Try also the demo sketch which tests the buttons.

we should write a sketch where you can test the hardware devices.

I record a new video(enable all message).

Looks normal.
Try the Demo sketches for the Buttons.
If I remember correctly the buttons should turn on the led(s).

Uups, I thought there was an dedicated test sketch for the buttons.

Are you able to write a quick button&led test sketch? I have one at home, will post it later.

Here we are.
The Buttons on the Top should let the “same side led” light,
the lower Button on the right should light both led’s.

#define LEDL 13
#define LEDR 6
#define BUTTON1 8 // PullUp
#define BUTTON2 11 // PullUp
#define BUTTON3 10 // PullUp

void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:

pinMode(LEDL, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LEDR, OUTPUT);


void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

digitalWrite(LEDL, !digitalRead(BUTTON1) || !digitalRead(BUTTON3));
digitalWrite(LEDR, !digitalRead(BUTTON2) || !digitalRead(BUTTON3));


I upload the sketch you post.
these three buttons are ok, they turn on the same side led or both leds.

Try this: WatchX Simple Diag

one side LED lights,and screen shows
“WatchX Diag v0.1

The screen should be similar to

Except the RTC-Ram which is part of my RTC Breakout and my BLE was switched off.
B1-3 will appear after Button usage.
Both LEDs should blink, one after the other.

should I download “WatchX_Diag_v0.1.ino” into which folder?

Copy the ino File to an folder with the same name but without .ino in your Arduino sketchbook.
Better download the full github content as zip file and extract the file and folder into your sketchbook.

I got this, is something wrong?
there are only two lines.
I upload it like this video

The LED‘s are blinking?
What happens when you press the Buttons?

LED just light, not blinking.
there is nothing happen, when I press each button

Remove this Block from the Sketch and try again.
Are the Led’s now blinking ?

yes, LEDs are blinking~

His PCB is V1.3, V1.2 and V1.3 have a sensor difference. V1.2 uses mag3110 as a magnetometer, on the other hand V1.3 uses MLX90393 as a magnetometer.

The reason is mag3110 discontinued after a little while we manufacture V1.2 boards so we had to switch to MLX90393.

Please try the code with removing the check for magnetometer.

Hi Mustafa,
the sketch does nothing than a normal i2c scanner.
No Device related checks or an init or begin are done.

so, what could I do for this board :disappointed_relieved:

Try another Example sketch like the one for the BMP Temperature Sensor and report.
The sketch should show something at the serial console.

We need to make sure i2c is working.

I uploaded sketch “BMP280”, but nothing happened.
is it this sketch ?