Hi @all,
I have created an new font file including the above symbols (AM/PM/Battery) and some more
for an Block based Watchface.
The last Symbol should be an Bell but looks more as a Space Shuttle 
The first character is Space at Number ASCii 32.
PM is the next at ASCii 33 and so on.
Look into the font file for details.
You have two possibities to add the font to the sketch:
- Add the font to the SSD1306ASCii Library add the line #include “Clock5x7.h” to
the file allFonts.h to cover the font. The font must be part of the SSD1306ASCii Library
file and folder structure.
- Add the font to this (or your sketch) by adding an #include "Clock5x7.h"
and make the file “Clock5x7.h” available through the libraries or inside the sketch folder.
I keep it in the libraries\SSDFonts folder to use it more than once.
All files and backup of them are available here: https://github.com/venice1200/TapClock/tree/master/Fonts
My old sketches support only the “old” system5x7 font.
All new Version will use the new Clock5x7 Font file.
I am working on a Demo or maybe put it directly into TapClock if I got enough space.
The “old” system5x7 font file can be changed back to original if you use the new one.