Playing Games with watchX

We have been working on this since the beginning of the watchX project. Presenting a flexiable development platform was a cruisal task for us. Playing games was one of it.

We have managged to modify the arduboy libraries and made it work with watchX hence we are able to play arduboy games. I will initially share the compiled games and release them as we test them.

What you need to do

  • Download the Arduboy Uploader from THIS link.
  • Download he hex files from THIS link
  • Open the Arduboy Uploader and click upload HEX.
  • Navigate to Game_Hex_Files and select the game you like
  • Rest will be done by the uploader
  • Share you experience below with a video.

First thing you will notice will be a need of more buttons, which we already solve it. Remember the picture below:

Yesss, we are close to realeasing it. Not only this bad boy but also more bad boyyss:D Keep following us:)


please show us the other side :stuck_out_tongue:

Teaser images are coming soon :smile: