hey guys,
I am a Chinese new user and I just bought the watchx. Then I follow the manual and upload the source into it from the link below:
when I finished, I found some tiny problems such as there is just one car dodeg game but not two, and some display problems.
But the big one is when I connect the watch to the usb port of my PC in sleep mode, the PC juct could’t find the device. Then when I push the button to wake it up, the PC find the device and there will be a usb connecting icon shown on the screen. But after a while the device will disconnect automatically. Now I couldn’t upload any code into the device and the log always shown like this:
sketch\pwrmgr.c:13:26: warning: extra tokens at end of #undef directive
#undef sleep_bod_disable()
C:\watchx\NWatch-master\watchX\watchX.ino:7:16: warning: extra tokens at end of #undef directive
#undef millis()
项目使用了 28504 字节,占用了 (99%) 程序存储空间。最大为 28672 字节。
avrdude: ser_open(): can’t set com-state for “\.\COM4”
Can someone help? Thanks a lot!