Looking for a WatchX

Hi everyone :wave:
I hope this new year is a fresh and good start for you.
If someone reads this post : I’m looking for a replacement WatchX :thinking:
I completely messed up with the display. I first broke it and then the display connector went wrong too.
I tried to remove the connector to solder a new one (I ordered some spare connectors and a couple of spare displays) but I tore up the tiny circuits on the PCB :sob: :sob: :sob:
Now the watch does not even start up.

The question is : is there someone with a spare watch willing to sell it to me? :innocent:
(or telling a place I could buy one?)
Thank you for an answer.

Best wishes

Hi there jmok,

Let me check the stocks to see if we can arrange something for you. I’ll write back to you in a couple of days. :relaxed:

Hi there, thank you for having a look.
It’s not necessary any more : I bought one… from you, thanks to you (many thanks to Mustafa :smiley:

All my best

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