How to upload code to watchX with Microchip Studio?

Hello to everyone. I’ll show you how to use Microchip Studio, a more professional IDE, when coding watchX.

Download Microchip Studio from here

Step - 1 : Open Microchip Studio and follow Tools / Extensions and Updates

Step - 2 : Select “online” on the left and write “Arduino IDE” in the search bar and download that.

Step - 3 : Click install.

Step - 4 : And restart Microchip Studio.

Step - 5 : Then, press OK.

Step - 6 : Go to vMicro and select Arduino Leonardo.

Step - 7 : Select your port.

Step - 8 : Go to New / Arduino Project.

Step - 9 : Enter your project name.

Step - 10 : Write your code and press Build and Upload.

Have a nice day. :slight_smile: