My 3rd project will involve access control with watchX! Stay tuned for more info!
Hi cody,
You mean using the watchX as a digital key:)
Yep, I saw in the connection section in watchX Blocks that you can do HID control! I’m also working on a digital key project and am considering using watchX!
Yes you can do almost all kinds of BLE HID control with the watchX this can include key press, mouse actions and media control:)
I have been messing around with bluetooth hid control, I haven’t been able to figure out how to send the Windows key + r keycode, and have not heen able to. How would I do this?
I’m not sure, the HID section is new to me for watchX. However, I do believe that if you do buy a HID system, you could go to the devices section on your system and add the watchX as an allowed device on the menu. I hope this helped, if not wait for Mustafa or DM him.
You mean the shortcut to opening “run”.