Bluetooth Pairing by using MAC adress

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to match my esp32 with watchx. 

(reference project :
The main difference of my project that i used esp32 for bluetooth connection. I paired watchx and esp32 by using server-client method and i sended watchx IMU values to esp32. But also i want to send data from esp32 to watchx but it seems it is not possible by server-client method. So can i pair devices by using esp32’s MAC adress on the given mblock code? Or any alternative method?

With my best regards

Hi @denizmuhacir39

In order to connect two bluetooth devices, one should act as a host and the other one should act as a client. watchX can only be set as client hence ESP32 should be host. Once you set the ESP32 as a host, than you should be able to scan bluetooth devices and connect to watchX.

On the reference project, there is a raspberry pi which act as a host. watchX connected to raspberry pi via bluetooth and drone connect to same raspberry pi over wifi hence they communicate.

I hope this was clear, let me know your progress:)